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2017 IARU HST World Championship Bulletin
Ukrainian Amateur Radio League [UARL]
Dear Sir or Madam,
It is our pleasure to inform you, that the 14th IARU HST World Championship is being organized by the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society (MRASZ).
It is held in Esztergom between 8-12 September, 2017.
Please find the letter of invitation and the declaration of intent for You and your society, attached to this letter.
The letter of intent can be downloaded in an editable format from http://hst2017.org/en/documents.
More details: http://hst2017.org
We are looking forward to meeting you in Hungary!
In the name of MRASZ,
Attila Holop HA2NA and Csaba Molnar HA6PX
- Запрошення на 14-й чемпіонат зі швидкісної телеграфії та бланк заявки